
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Two months & no sarcasm in sight....

Often times I will come on here and write a blog in all seriousness and somehow manage to add just the right amount of sarcasm mixed with ridiculously embarrassing true-life stories. The result is an in-box with comments like 'Your blog makes me laugh out loud!' At first I thought perhaps the world is finally starting to understand my inscrutable sense of humour. ((If you have to look up the word 'inscrutable' don't feel bad-I won't tell you what word I put into '' to GET that word, but it fits none-the-less)).   Anyway, it turns out, more often than not, people aren't laughing at my humour so much as my life in general, all the while thanking their deity-specific Gods that they aren't in my shoes. It's not that my life is bad-it's not. I think they're thinking LITERALLY-in that they wouldn't want to be  living my life in my shoes because, well-I live on a farm and sometimes on farms you step in things you wish you hadn't. I suppose I too would find this funny if it happened to someone else, but it's never funny when it's your own shoes...

Is there a point to these ramblings? No, not really.
By the way-did you know that lists 'spread-eagle', 'trail' and 'zig-zag' as synonyms for 'ramble/rambling'? What the heck?!

Anyway-I'm zig-zagging...(see what I did there?!)

So where have I been for the past two months? Why was I not here-writing fantastically sarcastic and even bitterly funny blogs?
Life. Sometimes it gets in the way of the stuff I wanna do-like come on and blog! Although as it happens I was too busy doing 'stuff I wanna do' to come here and write 'stuff I wanna write'.  Have I lost you? Well-obviously you weren't paying attention. Please go back to the beginning and start again. And focus! You think I just sit here and write this for my own benefit?! NO! I'm teaching life lessons here! Oh wait. No. Turns out it's just for my benefit... and for those who like to laugh at the less fortunate, ''less fortunate'' meaning those who have duck crap on the bottom of their shoes, of course.

Blah blah-I'm zig-zagging again.

 So what have I been up to?
1. Lots of fartsy-crafty projects.  I'm not good at it but I enjoy it none-the-less.
2. Signed up for a ceramics class at Generous Earth Pottery. (fantastic place!)
3. Working 2 days a week at a 'real' job
4. Took care of sick kitty Carlos-he had a series of strokes over a couple of weeks, needed a lot of care and steroids every day. :( He's gone now. Within 24 hours of his passing a new kitty came into our lives and she took up a fair bit of my time at first too-that's a whole nother story!
5. Other stuff
6. Thanksgiving stuff
7. more other stuff*
8. Christmas stuff
9. pinterset pinterest pinterest!
10. Miscellaneous things

*please do not assume that 'more other stuff' is the same as 'other stuff'. They are in fact two different 'stuff's.  The word 'stuff' is used here to replace things that I don't feel like telling you about for 3 reasons:
1. it's probably none of your business
2. it may be something like 'housework' or 'ironing'. Although I did these things over the past 2 months it's quite likely that those who know me would doubt this and may even insist that I don't know how to work an iron and so none of it can possibly be true 
3. it was probably something boring and I'd rather say 'other stuff' so that you can let your imagination run wild. Perhaps you assume 'other stuff' to mean galavanting, partying, socialising, getting tattoos in inappropriate places etc. all of which aren't true, but still-feel free to imagine that's what it means.

Also please note-none of these reasons are mutually exclusive! Perhaps it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS where I got my TATTOO while I was IRONING!   hm!     =D

Anyway-I'm zig-zagging again.
Perhaps it's best that I leave it there. If I attempt to get into any specifics right now I'll probably end up rambling, or 'sprawling' (also a synonym from just fyi!)
I'm hoping to be back soon, perhaps even with a point! For now I just wanted to check in. So Hello! Goodnight! =D