
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Packers, football and all that jazz.

Quality time as a family is important. I appreciate that. Compromise is also important.... With this in mind I went to the local family bar and grill with my hubby and son to watch the Green Bay Packers Vs. The Minnesota Vikings.  If I was ever going to watch a game it would be G Bay Vs The Vikings OR The Bears or whomever Greenbay end up playing in the Super Bowl this year. =D

So off we went, got nice comfy seats by the biggest tv, ordered soda's and snacks and our quality family time began.

Now... I'm slowly learning, and I think I am finally getting the gist of the game.  Still, there are a few things that I simply have to comment on!

One thing I will never really understand is how they manage to make a 60 minute (4 quarters x 15 minutes each) equal 3 1/2 hours?  I'm not great at understanding football, but I'm pretty good at math and this is a head scratch-er for me.  Someone even mentioned to me recently that they actually stop play for commercials on tv?!

There were plenty of shots of everybody standing around, some even sitting on the sides! Do we need to see the fella's who aren't even playing? Surely it's enough to just know they're there, right?  But no, they have to squeeze in the occasional 30 second shot of two guys chatting on the sidelines.  This is fantastic! It gives me the opportunity to spice this game up a bit by imagining what they're saying.  At first I was sure they were comparing weight watchers recipes(and these were BIG guys, so that's totally believable!) but then I'm sure I saw one of them say 'I pinned the CUTEST thing on Pinterest the other day!)  When the fellow with him smiled I knew that must, in fact, be what they were actually talking about. 

They also had plenty of shots of the coach, or some guy who I assume was the coach, saying the word 'FUN' really loud, with a very grumpy face.  Usually this was in response to those yellow hankies being thrown around.  Well, I gotta tell you, plenty of yellow hankies were thrown during this game and 'FUN' was said plenty of times!  'Fun fun fun!

Speaking of yellow hankies.  I noticed that the refs seemed to be the only ones who threw them.  Although it seemed like a sissy girl tantrum-I'm so upset I'm gonna throw my yellow hanky down on the ground and blow my whistle!  Still, I said to Scott, if I were out there playing I think I'd bring some yellow hankies of my OWN to throw down whenever I didn't like something.  There would be hankies flying all over the place!  ''FUN!''

I bet the two guys chatting about pinterest on the sidelines had hankies in their pockets! Which reminds me-there were a few guys sporting what I can only assume are fanny packs out on the field.  Some were always digging around in there like they'd lost their phone or something.  Anyway I bet there's room in there for a hankie or two!  Maybe even a baton with a ribbon on it like in gymnastics!  Or maybe not.  Anyway, if *I* was playing I'd definitely take my own hanky.....and a whistle!

Ok so we're really getting into the game now, it's been on for about an hour, so we're 14 minutes into actual play(Don't ask me!).  The local place we are at hangs out jello shots every time the Packers Score and since Scott is driving I get all of mine AND all of his shots! WAHOO!  Now I see why this is so much fun! 

So I'm really trying to pay attention now when I'm sure I hear somebody say 'sacked in the endzone' so I kind of giggle to myself in an immature teenage boy sort of way repeating 'sacked in his endzone' to which my son, who is 10, says 'Mom! Gross!'.   I thought it was funny.... but maybe it was just the jello talking. 

Then, before I know it, someone's being offensive!  Something about an offensive pass?! Nothing looked offensive. I say if you don't like the way someone throws the ball, pick up your yellow hanky and whistle and go home! What a silly thing to be offended by!  Obviously the other team got all defensive about it and then someone must have changed teams but apparently that's not allowed because the ref threw his yellow hanky and said 'off sides!'.  I'm sure I had a similar conversation with my sister when we had to share a room.  We had a line down the middle of the room and neither of us was allowed on the other side.  Man, I wish I'd had a whistle and a hanky to throw then!  As it turns out I had plenty of shoes and I found I could throw those just as effectively!  Anyway, somebody tried to change sides during all of this offensive activity. Whatever! This is America! We should be free to choose which side we want to be on!

Eventually everybody calmed down and started to play nice again.  I even saw one guy giving another guy a hug on the field.  Guess who got jealous! The Refs!  This is when I learned that they are against anybody hugging!  Hankies were thrown, whistles were blown and those guys got into trouble for holding each other.  What a shame. What's wrong with showing a little affection once in a while! The guy was still clearly upset about not being able to change to the other side after all of that offensive playing! Sheesh. Love makes the world go round, Refs! They need to remember that!

So, something like 12 jello shots later and the game is in the final quarter.  I really think I'm getting the hang of all of this!  One of the guys who was on the side is now on the field, equipped with fanny pack and all, and I can't help but wonder if he brought a whistle with him ;)  Then! Some guy catches the ball and I sit up on the edge of my seat as he's about to run the whole length of the field and score! But that's not what happens. Instead he lays down, head first, on the field right where he was.  WHAT!!!  I look to Scott, who by this point doesn't want me to have any more jello, and ask what's going on!  He says this guy wants a quarter back. When they want a quarter back they don't run with the ball cause they might get hurt. Apparently they don't normally go down head first, like this guy did, but I say maybe he was just looking for that quarter?!  Anyway, all that excitement was for nothing.  He didn't run the length of the field and score. Nor did he find that quarter! What a disappointment.

But the Packers did win, and we as a family did enjoy ourselves, and best of all I enjoyed the jello!!!
Go Pack Go!