
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh that really gets my goat!

Next we got goats. Scott is, to this day, dead set against getting a dog. I'd been reading somewhere that a goat is a lot LIKE a dog, behaviour wise, so I talked him into taking me to get 1 goat. Of course I took enough money to get 2 goats, but he didn't need to know that.  As it turns out we got there and he loved those little babies just as much as I did so talking him into getting 2 was no problem.

Now I'd asked the people that we were getting said goats from what to bring to take them home.   Answer-anything the size of a laundry basket will be fine.  Now I took a rubbermaid box (and shower curtain on the car seat just in case!) but then suddenly thought-what if the goats are too big to get both in the rubbermaid? Not a problem.

There they both are, snuggled up together on the way home with plenty of room for a third little goat, but we just got the two... for now. (wink)

One of the first things you learn about baby goats is: they suck!
EVERYTHING. I'm talking noses, ears, fingers, zippers, hair, shirts you name it!

But they're so darn cute that you can't be mad at them for it. They were, after all, just babies!   Awwww....

Now winters in Wisconsin can be pretty cold. I'm talking some days were -30C this past winter. Although my babies were inside an old barn/shed I still worried about them.  I don't knit and can only crochet in straight lines(i.e. scarves) so that was out.  BUT! Brainstorm! I knew just what they needed!

Awesome looking sweaters! I'm telling you these were THE coolest looking(and warmest) baby goats in a 5 mile radius! Of course we had a few issues at first. Benny kept worrying that his sweater made his bum look big.

Billy and I kept assuring him that he looked fine. Eventually he believed us. Or maybe he just figured that even if his bum did look a little big-Billy's bum looked HUGE so it was ok. =D  Who knows with goats, right? Still it didn't stop either one of them from gulping 3 or 4 bottles of milk down every day for weeks and weeks!   Apart from that it was lovely.  Even Scott was enjoying having pet goats!

((Except for that one day that we're not allowed to talk about, when Benny jumped up on Scott and gave him a little injury.))

Say it with me...


But he lived, and he let the goat live, so all was good.

Now the goats are great fun! They're about the size of a medium/large dog. They love to run and play and jump on things(including alpacas!) 

As it's summer they do run around the yard naked now but all in all they're pretty cool pets.


 In the 2nd photo he's even smiling! =D

1 comment:

  1. oh Beth, you crack me up. those sunglasses are hilarious.
