
Monday, September 26, 2011

Mum! There's a goat in the living room.

Ok, there are no goats in the living room but it's not totally unheard of for a goat or chicken to try to enter the house.  I live on a farm, I'm used to the animals now, but there's something just not RIGHT about a live chicken walking around the kitchen! It's like she's looking for something (or someONE). Sorry. Nope.
Speaking of chickens in the kitchen-did you know they make DIAPERS for chickens so that you CAN keep them in the house.  Folks this is true-you can't make this kind of stuff up!  ChickenDiapers.Com
Now I DO keep chickens in the front/mud room of the house when they're newborns-they have to be kept at 90 degrees F if you want them to survive. Once they are old enough to go out that's it-they stay out. This doesn't stop them from sitting at the door begging to come in. That also is quite freaky-opening the door to see who's knocking only to find 8 chickens looking back at you!

It's worse when you want to go outside and they're all sat there. Perhaps it's easier to just use the other door. So you walk to the other side of the house. Guess what... So did they!

They're not stupid. Well-the chickens are, but the Ducks are smart and they run to the other door and the chickens just follow.

After a while they realize you're not going to let them in. As a result they leave their little (or big-if we're talking about the ducks) piles of sarcastic 'thank you's on the steps so that when you eventually DO go out which ever door is the least gaurded, you have to step on tip toe to avoid the piles (of thank you's). Usually this is when your neighbours will drive by and see you-then they'll tell all the other neighbours they saw you outside doing your freaky tip-toe-ballet dance to the car again.  If they only knew!

The goats also try to get in.  I don't know why-what do they think is IN here anyway? I bet the ducks have concocted some sort of hokey story about a 'goat's paradise' in here just to tease the goats! Turns out there WAS something in here that they wanted.  A dishwasher!
We recently replaced the old one (that came with the house and was probably installed around the same time the original plumbing was) and got a nice new black one.  The old one was taken outside and the goats were in HEAVEN!

The dishwasher sat there for 2 days-we couldn't get the goats off of it! They just kept playing 'king of the hill'. We were finally able to move it and now the goats have gone back to standing on the Alpaca. (Not really-they only did that when they were small.)

Subject change.
The other day Brandon and I were driving to Cashton and we saw a hitch hiker up ahead. Brandon asked if we were going to stop and I said 'No, she's a fat cow!'

She's up there on the left.

What-did you think I was lying?! There she was, just waiting for us to stop and pick her up.
Actually, I'm not heartless. I did stop to ask where she was going (and to take her photo). Unfortunately she was going to Tomah and that was the opposite way from Cashton so we were unable to help. Still, I wished her luck, told her to stay away from the meat factory in Kendal and continued on my way.

Subject Change again!
So it turns out that having a broken foot severely limits the things you can do! Who knew! So I've been doing a lot of things that involve little to no walking around.  I tried catching up on some sewing for a while but Cheech (see blog introducing Cheech here: Intro to Carlos the cat & Cheech the cat.  ) Anyway Cheech thought I should be more productive in how I spent my time. This ment cuddles with him.
I tried to reason with him but he just layed right there on my arm and went to sleep (Actually, I think he was pretending to be asleep-no one falls asleep THAT fast!)
Anyway, not much sewing was accomplished that day.

Speaking of sewing! I let Brandon choose the fabric for his curtains for his room.  Lesson learned! From now on I will let him choose fabric so long as it won't give me a migraine after looking at it/working on it for an afternoon!
I say 'Choose something sensible, something you won't grow out of quickly.' So he choose this:
 Notice how well it matches his England Flag Duvet! wow. But I've done it, they're cut, sewn, lined and hung and I don't ever want to see them again. From now on Scott will have to go in there if need be. 

So enough sewing for a while.
I've also been 'claying around'. :) Bought a 25lb box of clay and even though my potters wheel isn't fully assembled yet that hasn't stopped me from getting my hands dirty! With the gloomy weather we've had lately I've had lots of candles and incense going to keep the house bright and comforting. So, with that in mind, I made a couple incense holders. They've not been fired or glazed yet(have to drive an hour each way to the kiln so that will have to wait a little while) but you get the general idea.
2 leaf incense burners(stick/cone) and 1 tree shaped cone burner. I love the idea of the tree one. **Note-I never said I was GOOD at any of this, and I'm clearly not, but I have fun so who cares. Anyway-the tree one. If you can tell it's a tree with a face then I'll be well impressed! I set him over a little cone incense and the smoke comes out his mouth, the top of the tree and occasionally out of the side branches depending on how fast the cone burns.  I like it!

Appologies for the bright candle in this one. I kept trying to take the photo and it wasn't working. I kept hitting the button and the camera would just call me a 'Low Life'. How uncool! Since when are cameras fit to judge you based on the content of your photos!
Then I squinted a bit and realized it said 'LOW LIGHT'. I felt slightly better, though self esteem is still a bit bruised, lit a candle and problem solved.

I guess that's about it for now. Thanks for reading!

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