
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hm. That's very Pinteresting. Very Pinteresting indeed!

Yes, I know how spell check works. I MEANT to put Pinteresting.
For those of you who don't know yet (and that seems to be a majority of people) there's a 'New' website called Pinterest.

What is it? first I didn't see the appeal but just hear me out!
It's like an on line scrap book I guess. Particularly useful for crafty people or people like me who aren't crafty but do crafts anyway!
To start you see a bunch of photos from categories that you have selected i.e. food, arts & crafts etc.
Then you browse those photos and if you like any you can click 'like' but if you REALLY LIKE one you 'pin it' to one of your boards(aka categories).
Still doesn't sound exciting does it? I know, but it really IS!
And it gets better! You can pin things from other sites! Say you like a photo that's in an on line article you're reading-you can pin it! Pinterest always gets the credit details so credit goes to the 'owner' and you aren't 'stealing' anything, so that's great.
I've got lots and LOTS of motivation and inspiration for things that I've seen on there in the past week! Everything from sewing and Halloween costume ideas to home decorating ideas (search for 're-purposing and you get BRILLIANT photos of re-purposed things!)
You can upload any of your own photos if you like.
You can follow your friends and pinterest will show you some of the things they've liked recently and then YOU can like those things as well.  For example I liked a Hello Kitty pumpkin, then invited Melissa Thomas to join Pinterest(by the way you need to be invited at the moment so if you want in this SUPER COOL, EXTREMELY EXCLUSIVE club-email me! =)  Anyway now I think I've created a monster, poor Melissa must have an entire 'hello kitty' board by now!  It's really that addictive!

Even if you're not crafty it's great for inspiration for things.  For example today when I signed in one of the new photos I saw was the game TWISTER spray painted on a lawn for a party game! How clever!

Now, going back to something I said earlier... I may be responsible for Melissa Thomas' Pinterest addiction but Donna B is to blame for mine!  She invited me and now I have to check out what's Pinteresting each morning! I love it, and scott doesn't mind eating take out on days when I've wasted a little too much time on pinterest.  That's the one bad thing about it I suppose... You can just 'pop' on to look for dinner ideas and end up finding so many pictures you like that you don't, in fact, have time to cook that night! =D

Anyway, I strongly suggest you check it out! If you start and don't understand it or can't get the hang of it let me know, I'm getting to be quite the expert! 
AND! I've added a 'follow me on pinterest' button on this blog! Just click it and see what happens! =D

See...told you it was Pinteresting! Click Here to see!

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