
Monday, March 19, 2012

The Master Cleanse...(insert menacing music here!)

Ok. Right about now I'd like to state for the record that I have not lost my mind.  I'm sure on any given day one or two people question my sanity in general but this is about to push that statistic WAY up.  Just trust me. I'm not crazy! I'm not a fool! I have no emails from Mr. T saying 'I pity you, Beth.' I AM open minded and willing to try new things....

Well...Not totally open minded. In fact I'd heard about the Master Cleanse before and was pretty sure it was for crazy loons! Everything pointed to success when you read about how well this 'diet/cleanse' worked, but it seemed to have a bit of 'eating disorder' thrown in for good measure.  I've tried a lot of things in an attempt to get/stay healthy and lose weight.  Lately I've fallen victim to the torturous Jillian Michaels.  Don't get me wrong, she's great in that whole 'Do 100 push ups right now or I will activate a tracking device in this dvd, hunt you down and gut you like a wimpy fish!' sort of way.  Some people don't like it but for me it works. Sometimes I even do an EXTRA push up just in case she's using one of those devices from 'Enemy of the State' and watching me.  Ya, she's pretty scary.

I've also inherited a treadmill. I've done 4-5 miles every morning for the past 2 weeks or so.  Today is my FIRST day off and it's only because the shin splints I've had since day 3 of 'uphill treadmill mode' have finally conquered me.  I have been very determined but as of yesterday my shinsplints say 'You and your measly 800mg of tylenol are no match for me and my excruciating powers of shooting pain!' so I am taking a day off for rest.  Probably... Unless I finish everything I need to do before work and have time to squeeze in a quick 30 minutes. NO! I can't do it! Ugh. This is awful. I need to work out but I need to rest(but I NEED to work out!).

The thing is, I've been hovering at this weight I'm at (I won't tell you what it is, but I will say my BMI is 25 which is RIGHT on the line between ok and overweight) for too long now.  Nothing, not even Jillian, helps to shift the weight. I am toned up, sure, but still feeling blah.  I know how to lose weight, I've done it before. Weight watchers helped me shift a wonder 25lbs once. Now even that doesn't help.

THEN... I saw a post on facebook from my old buddy Kristen! All it said was 'Day 4 of the cleanse, down 5 lbs already' or something to that effect.  STOP THE PRESS! Kristen is doing the master cleanse? But she's not an anorexic loon! Shes a perfectly normal-if not exceptional-person! She's one of those friends who-if she said to said 'Stop wearing socks to prevent global warming.' I'd seriously consider switching to flip flops and want to hear all about her theory!  In other words-I trust her judgement.  AND-she's lost 5lbs. What's not to like! :D

So I've talked about it with her a little bit, read TONS on the internet(and we all know everything on the internet is true-just like everything on tv) and I've read Tom Woloshyn's The Complete Master Cleanse.  Guess what folks, I'm willing to give it a try.  Here's why!

First off because it's NOT about losing weight! It really isn't. Sure you lose weight but it's not a starvation diet sort of thing like you might be thinking.  Apparently you go to the bathroom a lot! (a lot lot lot lot lot!) as part of the whole cleanse thing. It's kind of (but not entirely) like a fast. The whole idea is to let your body(which used 25% of its energy digesting food) have a break. That way the body can divert most or all of that energy to repairing itself.  Kind of like when you have a bad stomach flu and your gut does NOT want you to eat anything! It just wants to work on healing itself before you bombard it with more food.
When we're sick-even with a cold-what do you eat? Chicken soup! Or better-chicken broth! Easily digestible liquids.  That way your body can focus on what needs to be done. 

But what about vitamins and nutrients? How do you get all your vitamins and nutrients from those 4 measly ingredients? (which by the way-incase you've never heard of this master cleanse before-all you have to eat/drink is:
Fresh squeezed lemons(which provide high levels of potassium, calcium and magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper, selenium and iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid(vitamin b-5) and vitamin b6.
Cayenne Pepper(high in vitamin A and vitamin C, also contains Vitamin B, Potassium and calcium. It's a stimulant that increases metabolism, increases circulation and helps with digestive disorders) The function of the pepper is to break down and loosen mucus in the body-benefiting sinuses, bronchial tubes, and lungs.
Water-well water or spring water is best, but at least do your best to avoid chlorinated water or fluoridated water.
Maple Syrup-(You can ALSO use raw cane syrup or freshly pressed cane juice if available-NOT HONEY) Maple syrup contains a number of minerals and vitamins in trace amounts depending on where it was collected. Examples are: potassium, calcium, magnesium. maganese, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, tin, sulfur, silicon, Vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, boitin and folic acid are present as well.

It's recommended that you use ALL ORGANIC products, and apparently the flavor is worth the extra cost. Also GRADE A Maple Syrup is the most appropriate as it's normally highest in those essential vitamins and minerals you need. Grade B can be used, but keep your eye out for Grade A if possible. ALSO! Make sure there are no additives! You'd be surprised. Honestly-look for the organic grade A if possible.
Do NOT use Meyers Lemons(cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange) for the cleanse! They are less acidic(which-by the way in case you're worrying about the acidity of lemons keep in mind that they have a more alkaline property when being digested-meyers lemons have less acidity and slightly different properties. 

I'm gonna wrap this blog up here and start a new entry about more specific details and the lovely SWF (Salt Water Flush-It's not called 'FLUSH' for nothin folks!)

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