
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Is it just me or is EVERYTHING funny when I'm drinking?!

I don't drink. I don't. But my alter-ego does.

She's the woman you'll meet after I've had a good 2-3 drinks and I'm no longer scared of the world.  *I* am very shy, she isn't.  But she IS funny. Or she thinks she is, and people tend to laugh a lot when my drunk alter-ego's around so I assume she is in fact funny once in a while at least.

When Scott & I lived in England neither of us drank really. Holidays & Birthdays and special occasions only. We moved to Wisconsin and, surprise surprise! that changed.  It's taken me 2 years of living here but I now have increased my alcohol tolerance to that of a high school girl. Which is to say I can drink 2 drinks before I start giggling and after 3, if they're good strong ones, I sometimes forget my name.  Not always, but sometimes.
It seems there are sooo many drinking opportunities in this small town! There's a lot to celebrate! Weddings, Births, Graduations, Fridays-all seem to require consumption of yummy drinks! Now you all can keep your beer, and the associated burps and belly that normally follows, and I'll stick to the sweet girly drinks thank you very much!  What can I say, I have a sweet tooth-I like sweet drinks! If that makes me a sissy girl, well, so be it.  I'll still have fun and get my sweet fix at the same time. =D WIN WIN!
So we had a Wedding this past Friday. This requires double the celebration-both a Wedding AND a Friday! Wa HOO! And guess who's turn it was to drink!
There she is. We'll call her 'Other Beth'. As you can see this was well into the night.  It looks like she's standing up here but chances are she was actually falling backwards and someone just happened to catch this shot right before.  Don't worry, even if she did fall she didn't feel a thing, promise.
She didn't feel much pain at all that night. While dancing on the dance floor ((which even 'Other Beth' has to be drunk to do cause she's very inhibited)) there were tiny bits of glass on the floor. Now I don't know who made the rule but there's the 'kick your heals off and boogy' rule that seems to apply at weddings (Or at the Hitching Post-right Amy? =D ) Anyway drink was spilled everywhere and 'Other Beth' kept stepping on bits of glass. She never did, however, bleed! At first she thought maybe drinking gave her an incredible healing super power. After all-she has other super powers that are not noticed on a day to day basis but are intensely magnified by drink.
She can, for example, pee 1000 times a night while drinking. She can avoid walking in a straight line despite all efforts. She can successfully forget at least 2 letters of the American English Alphabet. She becomes a FANTASTIC dancer, regardless of what videos may show. But alas, it turns out incredible healing was not one of her super powers. The glass was actually little beads that had fallen off the Bride's wedding dress and were quite harmless. Painful to step on in bare feet, but no blood was drawn and no stitches were required. 
Now, as I've said, everything is funny when 'Other Beth' drinks.  Thing is-'Every-Day-Beth' likes to take photos.  Occasionally 'Other Beth', while performing one of the 1000 trips to the loo, will find the camera and decide that the bathroom is a good place to take photos of random things. Somewhere on my facebook page I have a photo of the soap(with a clown fish on the bottle) from the Helm Bar in La Crosse.  This past Friday was no different. When will folks learn to not let 'Other Beth' take cameras to the bathroom! Sheesh. Fortunately they're never inappropriate, just odd. For example...
Now. This must have seemed like a good time to take a photo of my new shoes! I love these shoes. They're super soft and comfy. Also the anklet-I made that! It has aventurine and fluorite and silver on it.  Still...perhaps not the best setting for a 'new shoes' photo?
Other odd photos turn up the morning after the night before too!  I didn't take these, nor can I be held accountable for my actions IN these.  'Other-Beth' has a mind of her own...
Chris, the groom is behind me here and some other guy that I talked to but forgot his name-another super power perhaps-ability to immediately forget a name?! perhaps not. Anyway I'm sure that, once again, this seemed like an ideal time for a photo but looking back I can't help but wonder what was the context!

I love how this photo is blurry-it really captures how I was feeling by this point! Ran into a friend at the wedding and we were having a good old laugh!


If you know my friend here you'll know why this photo is fantastic. If you don't know her, just know it was a good, say your prayers & count your blessings, kind of photo.

Here's an example of why you (Kurt) should not park your truck next to my car!

Your windshield wipers WILL be pulled up and all of the crap that is in the back of your truck will be put on display for everyone to see. I'm not saying I did this... I'm just saying this happens to people named Kurt who park next to me at Weddings on Friday nights.

On the way out of the reception we passed the other part of the bar where a few folks were playing a game called 'Bulls Eye'. This game, which is VERY cosmopolitan, requires sophisticated equipment consisting of:
A) 1 Ring
B) 1 piece of string tied to part A and hung from the ceiling
C) a hook screwed into the wall.
The object of the game is to swing Part A so that it hooks onto part C.
So I see these folks trying to play this game and I suddenly remember that I am FANTASTIC at it! So, after 3 attempts at finding the door to get in, I made it out to the balcony where they were playing so that I could show them how it's done. 
I mentioned something about how they may have seen me on the US Olympic Bulls-Eye team and they thought I was joking! We had a few good laughs and then I had to go.  I was HUNGRY!

Special thanks goes out to my designated driver, and hubby of 13 years, Scott.  He took me to McDonalds.  Now I was still pretty out of my face so everything was still funny.

Here's Scott. I ordered a cheeseburger and he said they weren't serving cheese burgers as it was so late at night(This is true! Idiots) so I said I'd have a fish sandwich. He explained that they also weren't serving fish sandwiches. So I asked if I could have a cheeseburger.

Then he made this face!

Fortunately 'Other Beth' still had the camera so thought it'd be a good idea to capture the entire McDonalds Drive Through Experience!

I even managed to get a photo of the lady at the window!

Scott didn't find it funny, which of course made it even funnier!  Needless to say, she was very nice but had no cheeseburgers or fish sandwiches. I ended up with large fries and a soda. Neither of which were all that funny, but were yummy just the same.

Here are a couple other photos from the night, just for fun!

There's Kurt.... If he only knew what was about to happen to his truck! hee hee.

Then there's this photo Kurt took of Scott and I but it's almost like he wasn't looking at faces when he took it....

Then there are a couple of  'I don't even want to know what was going on...' photos. :)

And finally...
Good night!

Feel free to comment or share a 'Remember that time you were drinking((which I probably won't remember)) and you said/did/thought/felt/smelled/tasted/looked at something that was funny?' stories! =D

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth - this was funny. thanks for the laughs so early in the morning. and Scott must be infinitely patient...
