
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I've been a crafty little devil lately.

Heads up-this isn't a funny post, it's just a general post. If you need to read something funny and were hoping to find it here I'm sorry to disappoint. Perhaps, if I can be bothered, I'll look up some sort of joke and post it somewhere amongst this blog entry. Not at the beginning or end-no! Too easy. You'll have to read the whole thing to find it.  If I bother. Maybe I won't put one in after all and then the joke's on YOU! :)

I have been a crafty devil lately!  I like to take old crap and fix it up.  The great thing about old crap is-no matter how bad you are at fixing stuff, more often than not whatever you try to fix will look better than it did before!
For example-when we moved to the USA from England we had a bit of our furniture shipped over. A LOT of the glass things were broken along the way(thanks packing company-heads up~bad karma comin back your way!)  Anyway one of the things that broke was a big glass mirror. We chucked the glass away but kept the wood frame.  2 years later(Hey I said I was crafty, I didn't say I was fast!) I got some nice paper and found a quote I liked-painted said quote on paper, put it in the frame and hung it on the wall. Below that I put old frames that I'd added ribbon to(to hang nicely) underneath on the kitchen wall. Now it looks like this:

The quote says ''We are, each of us, angels with one wing & we can only fly by embracing one another."~ Lucia de Creszenza. Below it there are various photos of family.

Something else I brought over from England-my plaster casts of Brandon's hand & foot when he was 2. I had these in a box frame that was a little too small and was never happy about how it looked so this past week I changed the frames and back grounds.

I need to trim the edges but apart from that they're done and turned out better. These frames came in a pack of 3 so I had a spare. So I made this!

I already had the scrapbook paper and the keys were on sale at Michaels so there you go! I knew Scott would think it was odd-putting things like keys in frames and then two days later I was in Hobby Lobby and saw this:
If Hobby Lobby can put silverware in a frame then I can put keys in a frame! =D

I also recently aquired a few chairs from my friend Donna.  She didn't want them any more so gave them to me.  Once again Scott thought I was crazy but I could see the potential in them! Here's the before:

 There were two metal ones and the 1 wood one. Lately I've been on a monochromatic kick I guess, cause I did all chairs in black and white but they turned out nice I think.:

Continuing the black and white theme, I covered a couple of light switch plates:

Dangerous Squirrels Joke. Bob, and his friend Joe went hunting. This was Joe’s first time ever hunting, so he followed Bob’s lead. Bob saw a small herd of deer and told Joe to stay in the exact spot he was and to be quiet! After a few minutes, Bob heard a loud scream. He ran back and asked Joe what had happened. Joe said "There was this snake and he slittered across my feet, but I never screamed. Then there was this bear that came up to me and snarled, but I never screamed." "So then what did make you scream," Bob asked, exasperated. "Well," Joe continued, "two squirells crawled up my pants and I overheard them say, "Should we take them home or eat ’em now?"

 I've got a few other irons in the fire right now but I'm getting around on 1 leg at the moment(broken foot) so I'll be slowing down for a while. :)

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