
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Matchmaker Matchmaker Find Me A Match (for my sister Cyndi)

My sister Cyndi admitted to me this past weekend that she hasn't read my blog entries. This means that I can blog about HER and she'll never know! So lets start with an embarassing photo shall we!
Now this looks like an almost ok photo...Until I tell you the context. She had just shoved an ENTIRE oatmeal cream pie in her mouth! :D I also would like to add that I'd cut and coloured her hair that morning and I think it looks FANTASTIC! But don't let her gorgeous hair distract you from the theme of this photo~OATMEAL CREAM PIES! ((& my sister Cyndi))
What can I tell you about her? (Not as much as I'd like to-just in case she one day DOES read this!) She's single, has her own place and has a steady job.  She is looking (or I should say I'm looking FOR her) for a nice normal guy between 20-30 who has a regular job and doesn't live with his mama.  No SCRUBS! 
She probably has hobbies but I don't know what they are. I bet they're cool hobbies though! I know she writes awesome poetry. I don't think oatmeal cream pie eating contests are on her list of hobbies, I can only hope that this past weekend has inspired her. She reads now, but given the choice between movie and book she'll choose the movie version.  Oh-and she likes to point at random things when no one is looking at her. See:

She isn't a very good chaperone. Or perhaps she IS-depending on your point of view.  Personally I would have chosen another.  It seems like every date I had that she chaperoned ended with her saying 'I'm telling Mom!' .....not cool. Though saying that, if in 10 years she 'chaperones' my son on one of his dates ((which to be fair probably won't happen)) but if it DID then I would no doubt consider her an EXCELLENT chaperone!
If you ask Cyndi if she likes Squash(the vegetable, not the sport) she will make this face:
Hm. What else can I tell you...

When she's up to no good she looks like this!
I never did find out what was going on in this photo but Scott's and Emily's faces say it all. Cyndi looks waaayyy too innocent here! Scott's face says 'Beth's gonna kill you for that.' and Emily's face says 'It's gonna be funny when Beth kills you for doing that.'' so obviously she did SOMETHING. One day I'll find out...

She knows a few basic sign language signs:

I can't remember what this sign means but I'm sure if Cyndi ever reads this blog she'll remind me!
I should probably stop there before I say too much! :D If you are interested in meeting Cyndi please send a resume with cover letter and photo of yourself to my inbox.  
Cousins and 2nd cousins need not apply!
And let this be a warning to anyone who says they've not read my blog-you could be next! ((This means you Amber!) =D

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